Hi! I’m Silver.
Biohacker and Functional Mushroom enthusiast.

Want to discover how biohacking and functional mushrooms can change your life?
You're in the right place.

Contact me
Silver Laus - CEO Shroomwell

“His speeches take you to a journey of amazing discoveries”

Sonny Aswani, Shareholder of Tolaram

Trusted by

"Exploring Medicinal Mushrooms with Shroomwell's CEO Silver Laus"
Fungi Frontiers at @TerveysSummit

Medical Mushrooms & Health
Personal Growth & Stress Management
Nutrition Insights

Who's Silver Laus?

I've spent over two decades in entrepreneurship, from tech to wellness.

But what really gets me going?
Biohacking and functional mushrooms.

As the CEO of Shroomwell, I'm all about research and products that help you live a better life.

Ready to join me on this journey?

Silver the CEO Shroomwell is deeply passionate about modern day wellness and his deep knowledge in details of how to live better and longer are awakening.

His speeches take you to a journey of amazing discoveries how one can improve their mental and physical health in a balanced lifestyle.

Sonny Aswani
Shareholder of Tolaram

Silver stands at the forefront of wellness and biohacking, bringing a wealth of knowledge that shines through in every discussion on functional mushrooms.

His educational foundation is deep and dynamic, allowing him to distill intricate ideas into engaging narratives.

As a communicator, Silver is both articulate and animated, ensuring that the audience is captivated and easily follows along.

Vishen Lakhiani
Founder MindValley

His talents in biohacking and brain enhancement are as remarkable as his loyalty.

Silver's passion for improving mental performance is evident in everything he does, and his approach to brain health, particularly with Lion's Mane, is innovative and effective.

Silver isn't just knowledgeable... he's hands-on in growing Lion's Mane and constantly seeking new ways to harness its benefits for brain health.

This guy is a standout in his field, and his loyalty makes him the long-term partner you're lucky to have."

Sven Nuum
Coach & Public speaker
Co-Founded Navirec
B2B fleet tracking and management platform that was lightyears ahead of its time.
For 3,5 years in the Door-to-Door business. From sales agent to team leader, to regional office leader. Led and managed 3 sales offices and over 60 sales agents.
Startup founder
Startup Wise Guys alumni, one of the top 5 accelerators in Europe and best B2B accelerator.
Toronto, Canada
Lived and worked in Toronto for seven years.
Since 2015
In 2015 ran into biohacking. Became fascinated by it and deep-dived into it. Maximum human performance became the driving force behind every action taken since.
Public Speaker
MindValley 2023 and multiple podcasts as guest speaker.
Topics that
I explore!
What We'll Dive Into?
I cover a lot, but here are some key topics you won't want to miss.

write me at silver@shroomwell.com
Sleep is
Let's talk about how sleep can be your ultimate life hack.

- Circadian rhythm and how it affects your next day

- What happens with your body during your sleep and how to support it well
The Planet
Ever thought mushrooms could save the world?
They can.

- Myco-technology and the applications to improve the environment around us
Mushrooms Over Supplements
Trust me, these fungi have more to offer than you think.

- How functional mushrooms positively affect humankind

- Why mushrooms have more to offer than other supplements

Looking for a Speaker Who'll Ignite Your Audience?

Hey, if you're on the hunt for a keynote speaker or podcast guest who can deliver real insights on biohacking, functional mushrooms, and unlocking human potential, let's talk. I bring over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience and a passion for transformative wellness to every stage and mic I step onto.
Book Me for Your Next Event

Podcasts and interviews

Attacking Health Crisis With Mushrooms (english)
Uni on inimkonna suurim biohäkk!(estonian)
Pöörased ettevõtluslood, läbikukkumised ja kuidas seened muudavad maailma (estonian)
maailmatasemel seeneteadlase seiklused (estonian)

Silver Laus

Biohacker and functional Mushroom enthusiast.

Get in touch with me

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